Concord Community Garden is always looking to welcome new members. Whether you are a novice or an expert gardener, come along and get involved. Either contact us through this website or just come along to one of our monthly meetings to find out more.
There are 29 plots at the garden. Most are community beds which members work on together to grow, harvest and share.
The garden grounds are a community responsibility and on the first and third Saturday of the month Working Bees are held to keep on top of maintenance. All members are encouraged to come along and contribute to this wonderful resource. Take the opportunity to learn from other members and share your own knowledge of gardening.
Joining Concord Community Garden is easy! To become a member simply click on the CCG Membership Form below, complete the paperwork and bring to one of our monthly meetings. Join up and discover the delights of planting and harvesting delicious home-grown vegetables all year round.
Annual membership costs just $75. There are few individual beds that attract and additional cost of $50 per annum. No new individual beds will be allocated and the long term plan is for all beds to revert to community use.
As a member you will have certain attendance requirement and we also have a code of behaviour. more
Copy of the Current Constitution for the Concord Community Garden