Member Information
Members’ Responsibilities:
Members are expected to:
- Sign the Attendance Book(s) at each visit to meetings and/or the garden for insurance coverage.
- Participate in the activities of group.
- Use water-wise guidelines and ensure the water tap is closed when leaving the garden.
- Take litter out of the garden and keep the garden tidy.
- Report vandalism to the CCG Committee and ensure garden gates and shed are locked.
- Be responsible for the behavior of their guests, including children.
- Harvest only product grown on their own allotment.
- Common sense rules apply for harvesting fruit and vegetables grown in the common area
- Harvests of common area produce usually takes place during a working bee when most members are present, and produce is shared.
- No member should harvest all or most of a communal crop
Garden Bed Holders’ Responsibilities:
Garden bed holders are expected to:
· Sign the garden attendance book.
· Participate in a minimum of six (6) monthly general working bees. This is a requirement to remain eligible as a bed holder.
· Pay membership fees on time. Arrears of 2 months or more will result in the forfeiture of a member’s bed.
· Inform the Secretary by email if you will be away or otherwise unable to attend to your bed for an extended period. Unless otherwise arranged with the Secretary, a bed that is not cultivated will be relinquished after three (3) months of disuse.
· Inform the Secretary if you intend to relinquish your bed.
- Maintain the bed and the area immediately surrounding (mulch pathways and keep the area litter free).
- Minimize pests and weeds on the bed to reduce spread to the rest of the garden.
- Pick ripe fruit to reduce the spread of fruit fly. If ripe fruit is not taken by the individual plot holder, it is the responsibility of other members to pick and dispose of the ripe fruit.
- Improve the condition of soils within the bed. Do not use fertilisers, insecticides or weed killers, unless certified organic.
- Refrain from obstructing paths. i.e. Don’t store materials on them.